Sunbed Information




As we often get asked about the safety of our sunbeds we have compiled an advice section for your information!


Please remember that there is NO scientific evidence to suggest that the use of sunbeds is accompanied with a higher risk of skin cancer. Our sunbeds comply with the 0.3 European Legislation which promotes healthier tanning.
Sunbeds are like so many things....they are safe when used sensibly!! Sensible use of sunbeds can actually aid many skin ailments such as eczema, psoriasis and now our new tubes can even kill the bacteria that causes acne.  You may also benefit from short sessions if you suffer from Seasonal Affected Disorder. Indoor tanning helps your body to produce Vitamin D which is essential for good health.  It lowers the risk of everyday infections like cold and flu as well as more fatal diseases, high blood pressure, Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and depression.

Sunlight is the most effective way for the body to manufacture Vitamin D - indoor or outdoor, and believe it or not 6 out of 10 adults in the UK are actually Vitamin D deficient.

Studies suggest that regular, moderate use of sunbeds will raise the levels of Vitamin D in healthy adults by an average of 40%.

So....tanning in a sensible manner creates a whole host of health benefits and once is OVER-EXPOSURE that causes the health risks.   In moderation sunbed use can actually be good for you. 





Below is an article from The Sunbed Association, published on 31st January 2018.



The Sunbed Association today welcomed the publication of a review of available medical data that concluded no proven causal relationship exists between moderate commercial sunbed use and an increased melanoma risk.  The results of the studies have been published in two articles in the scientific journal Anticancer Research (Vol 38).  Very importantly, the review refutes recent reports from the EU and the World Health Organisation.
Chairman of The Sunbed Association, Gary Lipman said “This careful review of studies confirms what we have long known to be true but authorities and other vested organisations have repeatedly refused to acknowledge and accept; responsible UV exposure on a sunbed by those able to tan does not cause melanoma.  The publication of this scientific review identifies and highlights many flaws in the studies that have been used to determine public policy, campaigns, legislation and public scaremongering regarding sunbed use.  It is quite frankly a disgrace that even when challenged at the highest level, these bodies have refused to acknowledge and consider the available science; these studies have not followed research protocols and the result is that skewed information has been repeatedly published that has led to what can only be described as the demonization of our industry.  
“We will be demanding an urgent review by all public and charitable organisations who have published information claiming, stating or even suggesting a link between sunbed use and melanoma.“ continued Lipman “Our industry has been an easy commercial target for the anti-tanning lobby for many years and this has to stop.








And more facts......


There is no difference between natural sunlight and sunbeds; sunbeds produce the same UV light as the sun. Research has shown that in countries with the most annual sunshine, there are the fewest cases of Colon, Prostate and Breast Cancer - thus refuting the link between UV light and Cancer conveyed by the media.

Sunbed use in itself has a number of health benefits. It is overexposure to UV light (from both sunbeds and natural sunlight) that causes health risks.

Our sunbed sessions range from 3-15 minutes and we would always recommend a few shorter sessions initially.


Sunbeds and Prickly Heat? 


Prickly heat is also known as heat rash or miliaria. It is a red and itchy rash on the skin that causes a stinging or prickly feeling, hence the name. Although prickly heat usually occurs in hot conditions, it can affect people in winter if they are wearing too much clothing or sit too close to a heater. Even in summer, the rash is most common on areas of the body that are covered by clothing, but prickly heat can affect any area of the skin.

The rash occurs when sweat glands become blocked, generally as a result of excessive sweating. This is because bacteria and dead skin cells can collect in the sweat glands, trapping the sweat which subsequently bursts out and irritates the skin. The rash itself is usually composed of tiny spots and bumps in an area of red skin.

Prickly heat is not a serious condition and can often be avoided or managed by taking practical steps such as using the sunbed for a few short sessions prior to your holiday.  For people with sensitive skin types, you should start with some 3 minute sessions then build up and increase the session times gradually. We will be happy to advise you when you call in.







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